Opatra London

Opatra London

Brace yourself: I´ve got news about a new, easy-to-use product which delivers spectacular results: the LUXURY OPATRA SYNERGYEYE that combines red light therapy with massage and heat therapy.

The red light stimulates the fibroblasts that produce collagen and help to rejuvenate your skin, improve blood circulation, expression lines and the regenerating cell connections.

The massage and heat mode stimulates and relaxes your facial muscles and increases the collagen and elastin production. It also heps reduce puffiness, tightens the skin, improves blood flow and skin elasticity.

From fist session I saw results, my skin was smoother and more radiant. Very week my skin is tighter and more hydrated. My cheeks are more defined and I look younger! It´s amazing!

I am very sensitive to most cosmetic and esthetic technology, and I am very happy with OPATRA LONDON products, because they work so well with my skin. In addition, they are relaxing, easy to use, and as I travel a lot I can take it everywhere with me and look perfect for every occasion.

I am a fan of OPATRA LONDON, what are you waiting for?

Use my code PATYAULA for a 10 % discount on all Opatra London products with this link.


Soy Paty

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